SLIN - Suffolk Learning Improvement Network
The Suffolk Learning and Improvement Network (SLIN) has been designed by Suffolk school leaders. The Headteacher Associations in Suffolk, the School-to-School Support Partnership and the Local Authority have recognised the importance of establishing a self-improving school system to address the key educational challenges in Suffolk, particularly in raising attainment and progress in all phases to meet and exceed those found nationally.
'SLIN has been invaluable in my development as a Headteacher. As a new Head of School 3 years ago, SLIN has helped me build a network of contacts, support and professional challenge. Being part of SLIN you feel part of a collective group, jointly working together to improve standards not just in your school or Academy but across Suffolk.' Helen Murray, Headteacher Wickham Market
Background to the model
This network is based on considerable research which was undertaken by the Headteachers’ Association and the Local Authority back in 2015/16. Visits were undertaken to Liverpool, Knowsley, Peterborough and Hounslow to establish the systems and processes that would be best for Suffolk schools. The Suffolk Learning and Improvement Network is the outcome of very fruitful collaboration between all partners. The SLIN partnership will go from strength to strength with this continued partnership.
“A good opportunity to step back and reflect with the support of colleagues... gaining a new insight into your own and other schools practice" - Jo Austin, Headteacher Copdock and Bentley Primary Schools
The Suffolk Learning and Improvement Network
SLIN is a collaborative partnership between publicly funded schools in Suffolk and the local authority that promotes collective responsibility for the educational outcomes of children and young people in the county’s schools.
The aims of SLIN are to:
· Foster and embed ambition, high aspiration, and achievement for all the children and young people educated in Suffolk.
· Establish a distinctive and sustainable ‘Suffolk’ approach to support for school improvement, created, developed and owned by Suffolk schools, and founded on the principles of ‘system leadership’, in which school leaders contribute to school improvement beyond their own school.
· Adopt an approach to school improvement through robust peer review that supports and challenges all schools at whatever stage of their improvement journey.
· Provide a systematic approach to the commissioning and brokering of joint practice development, drawing on research and leading practice in Suffolk and nationally.